
V2 non-core smart contracts

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


  • Install Node v18 and yarn (or pnpm)
  • Install Foundry
  • Create a personal access token (classic) in github with the following permissions: codespace, project, repo, workflow, write:packages
  • Create global .yarnrc.yml file: touch ~/.yarnrc.yml and paste the following:
        npmAuthToken: <Your GitHub Personal Access Token>
  • Run yarn to install dependencies
  • Run forge install to install other dependencies


Run: forge test. E.g.

  • forge test -vvv --no-match-test "SlowFuzz" will run all of the tests except some exceptionally slow fuzzing tests.
  • forge test -vvv" will run all of the tests

Gas costs

We have saved some gas cost snapshots, with the latest typically being saved at .gas-snapshot. To see all snapshots run ls -a .gas*.

To generate and updated gas snapshot, run forge snapshot --no-match-test "SlowFuzz".

To diff current gas costs with an earlier snapshot, pass the earlier snapshot as the --diff argument, e.g.: forge snapshot --diff .gas_snapshot.preOptimisations --no-match-test "SlowFuzz".



Open issues

  • Testing is very much a work in progress. Lots still to test.
  • Need to add the concept of spread to all trades, so that LPs take the spread. (Safest to do this alongside relevant tests.)
  • Deployment logic is non-existent
  • We need to integrate with the v2-core repo, and in doing so we will presumably discover some API incompatibilities.
  • Authorisation of many non-view functions is absent. Need a clear design and implementation here. msg.sender will probably not be the end user, but one of our contracts.
  • (how/when) are old positions removed from the positions list, to speed up future operations?
  • Measure code coverage, gas usage etc.
  • Linting, formatting, git hooks and CI config, etc.

Testing plan

Continue with docs and tests of low-level functions in isolation, and work up to higher functions that call them.

Docs will act as a sanity check that I'm testing the right thing.

  • flipTicks?
  • trackFixedTokens
  • trackValuesBetweenTicks
  • calculateUpdatedGlobalTrackerValues
  • getAccountUnfilledBases
  • getAccountFilledBases
  • trackValuesBetweenTicksOutside
  • growthBetweenTicks

Fix issues found.

Once we have tests, we can refactor some of the above to be more efficient. E.g. remove substantial re-fetching of the same data within a swap's tick iteration loop.

Then move on to higher level functions:

  • vammMint
  • vammSwap