:heavy_check_mark: Disease spread simulation with cellular automaton

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Disease spread simulation with cellular automaton.

How to use?

Run application without preventions:

python3 -m simulaton

To run with preventions just run the same command with --isolation, --mask and/or --vaccine params.

python3 -m simulaton --isolation --mask --vaccine

In short:

python3 -m simulaton -i -m -v

How to configure?

In simulation.config file, there are some variables that refers to disease/prevention probabilities.

Some examples: PROB_INFECTION indicates the disease infection probability.


GIF with disease spread simulation


Other works

This project is an evolution of Roger Vieira's solution in his article "Modelo de propagação de doenças epidêmicas baseado em autômatos celular"