
:heavy_check_mark: Python implementation of C Switch Case clause

Primary LanguagePython

Python - Switch Case Simulation (C Like)

Python implementation of C Switch Case clause

How does it work?

Using python context manager and if blocks, we can simulate switch case by instantiating Switch class and calling its method __call__()


Import Switch class from switch.py module

from switch import Switch

Create the cases block inside Switch instance context block

variable = 10

with Switch(variable) as case:
    if case(0):
        print('case 0')
    elif case(*range(1, 6)):
        print('case 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5')
    elif case(6, 7, 8):
        print('case 6, 7, and 8')
    elif case(9, 10):
        print('case 9 and 10')

# >> case 9 and 10

Suppressing exceptions

You can also handle exceptions that can occurs inside the switch block, without using try/except

variable = 11
mylist = list(range(10))

with Switch(variable, suppress=IndexError) as case:
    if case(*range(10)):
        print(mylist[variable])  # the same as print(mylist[case.value])
        print('Index out of the range')

Without the suppress argument, it will raise the exception

variable = 11
mylist = list(range(10))

with Switch(variable) as case:
    if case(*range(10)):
        print(mylist[variable])  # the same as print(mylist[case.value])
        print('Index out of the range')

# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "~/tests.py", line 10, in <module>
#     print(mylist[variable])
# IndexError: list index out of range