
Depends on nvim-lua/plenary.nvim. Provides run_cmd to run an external command; run_shell to run a shell script, and qf to run a command/shell script and populate quickfix with its stdout/stderr.

Create :Make command to run makeprg asynchronously.

Creates :Grep command to run grepprg asynchronously. Maps gr to run :Grep on a textobject or visual selection. gr<Space> will open prompt for :Grep.

As a convenience :Grep! runs vimgrep on all open buffers (synchronously); and is mapped to grr and grr<Space>.

async#OpFuncWrapper, used for implementing gr and grr mappings can be useful for other opfunc mappings. It receives a function as an argument, and runs it with the pending textobject or visual selection.

nnoremap <expr> gr async#OpFuncWrapper({x -> execute("Grep ".x)}) for example is how griw greps the word under cursor.