
Demonstrate app using Cmd 6.5 multi-package support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This example demonstrates how to use Sencha Cmd 6.5+ and Ext JS 6.5+ to create an application that consists of independently built, dynamically loaded packages.

This mock application uses packages in real-world ways to show how to use the same techniques in your applications.

Following is a diagram of this application and its packages:



To get started, you'll need to follow these steps:

  • Install Sencha Cmd
  • Download Sencha Ext JS. We recommend extracting Ext JS into a "sencha-sdks" folder in your home directory.
  • Setup the framework for the application
    $ sencha workspace install ~/sencha-sdks
  • Alternatively, you can specify the framework directly with:
    $ sencha workspace install --framework=/absolute/path/to/framework

On Windows the "~" part of the path will be replaced by something like "C:\Users\Me".


This package contains the data model of the application. In a traditional application the classes in this package would be in the 'app/model' and 'app/store' folders. These pieces are factored out of the application proper because other packages are likely to reference them. The application simply requires them in its 'app.json' and is otherwise unaffected.

Dashboard & Settings

These packages are listed in the uses of the application's 'app.json' file and as such are not loaded until requested. These are just placeholders for real content.

The code used to load such packages looks like the following:

Ext.Package.load('Dashboard').then(function () {

    // the classes in the package are available...


This is also a placeholder but shows how a package can manage its own styling and resources.


The styles are contained in files that correspond to JavaScript files. In this package, 'src/Main.scss' contains the styles needed by 'src/Main.js' (the package's main view).


The 'resources' folder contains an 'avatars' subfolder with some images. The URL's to these can be resolved using Ext.getResourcePath or Ext.resolveResource, but in the 'src/Main.js' file, its tpl uses the resources formatter:

tpl: '<img class="demo-users-avatar" ' + 
      'src="{avatar:resource("<@Users>avatars/")}">' +

These techniques are extremely helpful when dealing with path differences in development versus production builds.


This package is in the requires of the Dashboard and Settings packages but is unknown directly by the Demo application. This situation is common to large scale projects where the application core is quite small.

The important thing to understand about this arrangement is that Ext.Package.load() is a "transitive" process. In other words, when the application loads Dashboard as shown below, more steps are taken internally to satisfy its dependencies.

// This is the package the app wants to use:
Ext.Package.load('Dashboard').then(function () {
    // ...

When the above is called, the load() method will effectively do the following:

return Ext.Package.load('Alerts').then(function () {
    return Ext.Package.load('Dashboard');

That is, the Alerts package dependency will be handled prior to loading the Dashboard package. The application does not need to manage this situation.


Used packages are built as stand-alone bundles that are dynamically loaded at runtime. To build the set of all used packages during an application build, use the -uses argument to app build.

$ sencha app build -uses ...

Builds of used packages are placed into sub-directories of the main application build directory. Consequently, builds of different build environments should be 'initialized' with the set of used packages that are not under active development.

$ sencha app build -dev -uses ...

That will run a development build sweep of all used packages and initialize the development build directory with the set of used package builds. This will typically only need to happen once for packages that are not under active development

The build environment (production, testing, development) of the used packages defaults to the build environment used to build the main application, but may be controlled independently by using the -pkgtesting,-pkgproduction or -pkgdevelopment arguments

$ sencha app build -pkgtesting -dev

For packages that are under active development, rebuilds will be needed to pick up changes / additions / deletions to the package contents. To rebuild specific packages, use the -packages argument to app build to list the set of packages to be rebuilt.

$ sencha app build -packages Alerts,Users,...

To load a specific package or set of packages in application dev mode for inclusion by app watch, use the -packages argument to app watch to specify the set of packages to include in the watch process.

$ sencha app watch -packages Alerts