
Lesson 11 mouse inversion

Opened this issue · 1 comments

This isn't anything critical, but I figured I'd report it at least.

Compare the effect click-and-drag has on the original Learning WebGL demo with PhiloGL:

  1. Rotate the moon 90 degrees about its initial vertical axis.
  2. Click-and-drag up and down.

In the original, the up-and-down motion rotates the moon about the viewport horizontal axis. In the PhiloGL demo, the up-down drag rotates about the original model horizontal axis (whic is no longer aligned with the viewport).

Yes, I'm thinking that besides the update method in O3D.Model (that only updates the matrices for the model leaving all vertices on their original position) there should be a updateComponents (or something like that) that would leave the matrices as-is but would update all vertices and normals for the object.

Thanks for reporting this :)