write a simple, responsive, web app in angular/react that shows the weather of some city. The user should be able to search for a city and save it to favorites (locally, a server is not required). We expect to see 2 pages in this app. (weather page and favorites page). We recommend you to use a 3rd party UI library (material, prime, bootstrap, etc)
The API that you’ll use for this app is AccuWeather API. Please signup and create a new app in order to get an API key. You will use 3 endpoints: location autocomplete for the search field, get current weather and 5-day daily forecast. Please read those API docs. NOTE: this API is limited to 50 requests per day. our recommendation is to save the responses and use them locally during development.
- Show us your coding skills - We want to see your strengths, don’t be afraid to go wild, add features and customize the design.
- Readability - Your code should be readable and self-explanatory with minimum comments. Remove any unused code, console logs, and files. Use logical project structure and code separation.
- Create a header with navigation icons/links/buttons for main and favorites screen.
- The main screen (weather details) will be composed of a search field to search a location’s weather by city name. And below it, the current weather and a 5-day forecast of the searched location. A location should have an indication if it’s already saved in favorites, and a button to add/remove from favorites (it can be the same button).
- Display Tel Aviv weather by default.
- Favorites screen will be composed of a list of favorite locations. Each location should have an ID, name and current weather. Clicking on a favorite will navigate to the main screen showing the details of that location.
- Searching should be done in English letters only
- State management is a must!
- Responsive design is a must! (flexbox/grid will give you extra points 😉).
- Error handling is a must! (can be done with toast, modal).
- Set the default location by using the Geolocation API. you will need another API endpoint for this: get location key by lat/lon.
- Add dark/light theme support (add toggle button in the header).
- Add Celsius/Fahrenheit toggle button.
- Add animations (with good taste).