
This Github organization exists to celebrate SendGrid Prize winners. Members may use this organization to display a SendGrid Winner badge on their profile, as such:

Organization Example

If you've won a SendGrid prize at a hackathon, you'll be added as a member of this organization. You may then choose to include this organization publicly on your GitHub profile and display, proudly that you won a SendGrid Prize.

If you've won a SendGrid prize and are not a member of this organization, please file an issue on this repository, and include the name and date of the event you won the prize at, and we'll add you.

Credit for this idea goes to J. Randall Hunt.

How to Add SendGrid Winners to Your Profile

To add the SendGrid Winners badge to your profile, you'll need to choose to publicly display your affiliation with the organization. To do so:

  1. Go to the Organization Members list
  2. Find yourself and click, "Make Public"