
A point of coordination for all things rust+wasm

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Rust + WebAssembly: an early point of coordination

This repo aims to be a simple, organic means of coordinating early work on using Rust and WebAssembly together.

Some of the early material is being collected into a small book; please take a look and contribute!


The Rust compiler

The Rust compiler currently supports two wasm-related targets:

  • wasm32-unknown-unknown. This target compiles directly to wasm using the LLVM back-end. It's appropriate when you're compiling pure Rust code, i.e. you have no C dependencies. Compared to the emscripten target, it produces much leaner code by default and is much easier to set up. Here's how to set it up.

  • wasm32-unknown-emscripten. This target compiles to wasm via the emscripten toolchain. It's what you should use if you have C dependencies, including libc. Here's how to set it up.

The wasm32-unknown-unknown is particularly promising for integrating bits of "greenfield" Rust code into JS projects. However, it is also the less mature backend:

The Rust standard library

Each of the wasm targets has a different story with respect to std:

  • For wasm32-unknown-unknown, Rust emits its own, very small allocator that sits on top of the wasm page allocator described above. That means that all APIs at the alloc level (i.e., all container types) are available. APIs that exist only within std -- threads, networking, files, processes -- are not available for this target. Today, the APIs are present but panic or error out upon use. In the future, we plan to cfg out the APIs for this target.

    Over time, as the wasm spec grows, some of these additional APIs (notably threading) may return.

  • For wasm32-unknown-emscripten, Rust uses the emscripten toolchain to provide libc-based functionality. That means that a lot of std is available and works, but at the cost of significant binary bloat.

JS Interop

The JS package ecosystem

In the book we focused on the details of function-level interop. But in practice, it's vital to interoperate at the package level as well, which means producing and consuming npm packages.

As of today the story for this sort of interop is largely still in flux, but there's lots of progress on lots of fronts to cover as well! The crucial lynchpin of the assumed integration point is ES6 Modules. Although this requires a polyfill the abstraction of ES6 modules for wasm as well as JS has shown to be beneficial to consumers and bundlers alike.

This part of the story is still in the design phase, but here are some constraints:

  • Consumers of Rust/wasm-based packages should be completely unaware that Rust is involved. In particular, using such a package should not require a local Rust toolchain.

    • This means that publication to npm is done in binary form: we upload a .wasm file containing the fully-compiled Rust code.
    • JS is expected to consume Rust through ES6 import statements which end up resolving to the compiled module.
  • You should be able to work on the Rust portion of the library using standard Cargo workflows.

  • There should be a [straightforward way][metdata] to express npm metadata (i.e. the contents of package.json) for a Rust/wasm project.

    • That means, in particular, that a Rust project might pull in several crates, each of which pulls in their own npm package dependencies.
  • There should be an easy way to publish such a project to npm, handling all needed transitive dependencies.

Ultimately, JS bundlers (like WebPack and Parcel) will need to understand wasm-based npm packages and generate the appropriate module instantiation. This is expected to happen through bundlers interpreting wasm modules as ES6 modules and generating appropriate instantiation glue. Work in this direction is under way.

If you're interested in helping flesh out this story, please jump in on the [tracking issue][npm interop]!

The DOM, GC integration, and more

There is some confusion about whether wasm code can work with the DOM today, or whether that's effectively blocked on GC integration.

To clear this up: wasm is quite capable of working with the DOM today. You can employ strategies like those in [wasm-bindgen] to operate on the DOM via calls back into JS. However, such calls do impose an overhead, so efficiency gains are most easily had if once can batch up DOM interactions. Improvements to the DOM, like the changelist proposal, and improvements to WebAssembly, like the Host Bindings proposal, will further smooth the path.

The crate ecosystem

There's a nascent ecosystem within crates.io for working with wasm. The most prominent so far are:

  • stdweb, a "standard library for the client-side web".
  • Yew, a framework for client-side web apps.

Demos, talks and more


This repo also contains documentation on using Rust for wasm, common workflows, how to get started and more. It acts as a guide for how to do some neat things with it. Over time this might extend to more things or act as a more internal rather than user facing resource as this repo evolves. Considering the early stage nature of wasm and Rust with wasm the two are indistinguishable right now.

Building the book

The book is made using mdbook. To install it you'll need cargo installed. If you don't have any Rust tooling installed, you'll need to install rustup first. Follow the instructions on the site in order to get setup.

Once you have that done then just do the following:

$ cargo install mdbook

Make sure the cargo install directory is in your $PATH so that you can run the binary.

Now just run this command from this directory:

$ mdbook build

This will build the book and output files into a directory called book. From there you can navigate to the index.html file to view it in your browser. You could also run the following command to automatically generate changes if you want to look at changes you might be making to it:

$ mdbook serve

This will automatically generate the files as you make changes and serves them locally so you can view them easily without having to call build every time.

The files are all written in Markdown so if you don't want to generate the book to read them then you can read them from the src directory.