
A Python Discord Bot to monitor and interact with a minecraft server running with screen

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Linux Python Discord Bot for Minecraft Server

I created this bot to have a simple and easy way to get informations from a minecraft server and interact with it.


Key Features

  • Get dynamic informations about the server

    • Server Status
    • CPU Usage
    • Memory Usage
    • Player Count
    • Online Players Usernames
  • Interact with the service that runs the server

    • Restart
    • Shutdown
    • Start
  • Auto-restart the server if it crashes

  • Logs messages in a separate Discord Channel

Futur Key Features

  • Player Play time
  • Send command via Discord
  • Player Count as status
  • If there is a features that you would like to see, tell me about it !



This install is based on a FTB server with all the server files in the home directory of the user.

Install Screen

foo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get update
foo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get install screen

Download the files

Login as the user that runs the minecraft server and execute those commands :

foo@bar:~$ cd ~/
foo@bar:~$ wget https://github.com/Padi1111/discord-minecraft-server-bot/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
foo@bar:~$ unzip main.zip
foo@bar:~$ rm main.zip
foo@bar:~$ mv discord-minecraft-server-bot-main discord-minecraft-server-bot

Move the start script and edit it

Move the start script to the root of the minecraft server folder. In my case, this is the root home of the user.

foo@bar:~$ mv ~/discord-minecraft-server-bot/start.sh ~/.

You can then edit it to make it work with your minecraft server

foo@bar:~$ nano ~/start.sh

Edit the Bot

You can now edit the bot to your desire and configure it for your discord server. To do so, edit the file called user_settings.py in the discord-minecraft-server-bot folder.

foo@bar:~$ nano ~/discord-minecraft-server-bot/user_settings.py

Edit /etc/sudoers

To be able to run all the files in the Commands directory as sudo without giving any password we will be addind the scipts to our /etc/sudoers file. To do so, open it, as sudo, with your any editor :

foo@bar:~$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers

Go to this section :

# Allow members of group sudo to execute any command
%sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

And bellow it add the following command, making sure to change the [USERNAME] by the username of the user running the bot :

[USERNAME]  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/[USERNAME]/discord-minecraft-server-bot/Commands/service_stop.sh
[USERNAME]  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/[USERNAME]/discord-minecraft-server-bot/Commands/service_start.sh
[USERNAME]  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/[USERNAME]/discord-minecraft-server-bot/Commands/service_restart.sh

You can now save and close this file.

Create the Linux Service for the Minecraft Server

We will now be creating the service for the Minecraft Server.

foo@bar:~$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/minecraft-server.service

Copy paste this, making sure to change the [USERNAME] by the username of the user running the bot :


Description=Minecraft Server





ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -dmS mc-server bash start.sh

ExecStop=bash discord-minecraft-server-bot/stop.sh



Save and close this file.

Enable the serivce and start it :

foo@bar:~$ sudo systemctl enable minecraft-server.service
foo@bar:~$ sudo systemctl start minecraft-server.service

If everything whent well, your minecraaft server should now start. To check, login as the user that runs the server and execute this command :

foo@bar:~$ screen -ls

You should see something like this :

There is a screen on:
        2590603.mc-server       (15. 04. 23 16:00:18)   (Detached)
1 Socket in /run/screen/S-mcserver.

Create the Linux Service for the Bot

We will now be creating the service for the discord bot.

foo@bar:~$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/discord-minecraft-bot.service

Copy paste this, making sure to change the [USERNAME] by the username of the user running the bot :


Description=Discord Minecraft Bot





ExecStart=/usr/bin/python discord_bot.py



Save and close this file.

Enable the serivce and start it :

foo@bar:~$ sudo systemctl enable discord-minecraft-bot.service
foo@bar:~$ sudo systemctl start discord-minecraft-bot.service

If everything whent well, the bot should be online in your discord server and you should see the embedded message with all the informations about the minecraft server.


The_Bot_Restarting The_Bot_With_players The_Bot_logs