
android video player base on ijkplayer

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


out of the box android video player base on ijkplayer


  1. base on ijkplayer,support RTMP , HLS , MP4,M4A etc.
  2. gestures for volume control
  3. gestures for brightness control
  4. gestures for forward or backward
  5. fullscreen by manual or sensor
  6. try to replay when error(only for live video)
  7. set video scale type
    1. fitParent:可能会剪裁,保持原视频的大小,显示在中心,当原视频的大小超过view的大小超过部分裁剪处理
    2. fillParent:可能会剪裁,等比例放大视频,直到填满View为止,超过View的部分作裁剪处理
    3. wrapContent:将视频的内容完整居中显示,如果视频大于view,则按比例缩视频直到完全显示在view中
    4. fitXY:不剪裁,非等比例拉伸画面填满整个View
    5. 16:9:不剪裁,非等比例拉伸画面到16:9,并完全显示在View中
    6. 4:3:不剪裁,非等比例拉伸画面到4:3,并完全显示在View中

how to import library

using gradle

  1. add maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } to your root project build file allprojects->repositories
  2. add compile 'com.github.tcking.GiraffePlayer:giraffeplayer:0.2' to your app build file

clone project

  1. git clone https://github.com/tcking/GiraffePlayer.git
  2. android studio->file->New->Import module->select giraffeplayer

How to use (example code)

case 1: only what to play a vedio fullscreen

just callGiraffePlayerActivity.configPlayer(activity).play(url),all is done.

case 2: embed a player in a layout

step 1: include video layout in your layout xml file


notice:the giraffe player is match_parent default,if you want to specify height or width you can overwrite layout_width and layout_width in include tag

step 2: new player and call play

GiraffeVideoPlayer player = new GiraffeVideoPlayer(activity);
