
React Calendar

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Calendar

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  • support ie9,ie9+,chrome,firefox,safari
  • support date, month, year, decade select panel
  • support week number
  • support en_US and zh_CN locale(UI), use moment.ufcOffset to set timezone
  • support aria and keyboard accessibility


  • Previous month (PageUp)
  • Next month (PageDown)
  • tab into hour input: Last hour(Up), Next hour(Down)
  • tab into hour input: Last minute(Up), Next minute(Down)
  • tab into hour input: Last second(Up), Next second(Down)
  • Last year (Control + left)
  • Next year (Control + right)




import Calendar from 'rc-calendar';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
ReactDOM.render(<Calendar />, container);


npm install
npm start



online example:



rc-calendar props

name type default description
prefixCls String prefixCls of this component
className String additional css class of root dom node
style Object additional style of root dom node
dateRender (current, value) => React.Node date cell
renderSidebar () => React.Node side bar
renderFooter () => React.Node extra footer
value moment current value like input's value
defaultValue moment defaultValue like input's defaultValue
locale Object import from 'rc-calendar/lib/locale/en_US' calendar locale
format String depends on whether you set timePicker and your locale use to format/parse date(without time) value to/from input
disabledDate Function(current:moment):Boolean whether to disable select of current date
disabledTime Function(current:moment):Object a function which return a object with member of disabledHours/disabledMinutes/disabledSeconds according to rc-time-picker
showDateInput Boolean true whether to show input on top of calendar panel
showWeekNumber Boolean false whether to show week number of year
showToday Boolean true whether to show today button
showOk Boolean auto whether has ok button in footer
timePicker React Element rc-timer-picker/lib/module/panel element
onSelect Function(date: moment) called when a date is selected from calendar
onChange Function(date: moment) called when a date is changed inside calendar (next year/next month/keyboard)
dateInputPlaceholder String date input's placeholder

rc-calendar/lib/RangeCalendar props

name type default description
prefixCls String prefixCls of this component
className String additional css class of root dom node
style Object additional style of root dom node
renderSidebar () => React.Node side bar
renderFooter () => React.Node extra footer
selectedValue moment[] current selected value range. with two elements.
defaultSelectedValue moment[] default selected value range
locale Object import from 'rc-calendar/lib/locale/en_US' calendar locale
format String depends on whether you set timePicker and your locale use to format/parse date(without time) value to/from input
disabledDate Function(current:moment):Boolean whether to disable select of current date
showWeekNumber Boolean false whether to show week number of year
showToday Boolean true whether to show today button
showOk Boolean auto whether has ok button in footer
showClear Boolean false whether has clear button in header
timePicker React Element rc-timer-picker/lib/module/panel element
onSelect Function(date: moment[]) called when a date range is selected from calendar
onChange Function(date: moment[]) called when a date range is changed inside calendar (next year/next month/keyboard)
dateInputPlaceholder String[] range date input's placeholders
disabledTime Function(current: moment[], type:'start'|'end'):Object a function which return a object with member of disabledHours/disabledMinutes/disabledSeconds according to rc-time-picker
type enum('both','start', 'end') both whether fix start or end selected value. check start-end-range example

rc-calendar/lib/MonthCalendar props

name type default description
prefixCls String prefixCls of this component
className String additional css class of root dom node
style Object additional style of root dom node
value moment current value like input's value
defaultValue moment defaultValue like input's defaultValue
locale Object import from 'rc-calendar/lib/locale/en_US' calendar locale
disabledDate Function(current:moment):Boolean whether to disable select of current month
onSelect Function(date: moment) called when a date is selected from calendar
monthCellRender function Custom month cell render method
dateCellRender function Custom date cell render method
monthCellContentRender function Custom month cell content render method,the content will be appended to the cell.
onChange Function(date: moment) called when a date is changed inside calendar (next year/next month/keyboard)

rc-calendar/lib/Picker props

name type default description
prefixCls String prefixCls of this component
calendar Calendar React Element
disabled Boolean whether picker is disabled
placement String|Object one of ['left','right','top','bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight']
align Object: alignConfig of [dom-align](https://github.com/yiminghe/dom-align) value will be merged into placement's align config.
animation String index.css support 'slide-up'
transitionName String css class for animation
value moment|moment[] current value like input's value
defaultValue moment|moment[] defaultValue like input's defaultValue
onChange Function called when select a different value
onOpenChange (open:boolean) => void called when open/close picker
open Boolean current open state of picker. controlled prop
getCalendarContainer () => HTMLElement () => {return document.body;} dom node where calendar to be rendered into

rc-calendar/lib/FullCalendar props

name type default description
prefixCls String prefixCls of this component
Select React Component Class rc-select Component Class
value moment current value like input's value
defaultValue moment defaultValue like input's defaultValue
defaultType string date default panel type: date/month
type string panel type: date/month
onTypeChange function(type) called when panel type change
fullscreen bool false
monthCellRender function Custom month cell render method
dateCellRender function Custom date cell render method
monthCellContentRender function Custom month cell content render method,the content will be appended to the cell.
dateCellContentRender function Custom date cell content render method,the content will be appended to the cell.
onSelect Function(date: moment) called when a date is selected from calendar

Test Case

npm test
npm run chrome-test


npm run coverage

open coverage/ dir


rc-calendar is released under the MIT license.