
A material design lite Ghost blog theme

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Material design lite Ghost blog theme


  1. modify /partials/disqus.hbs disqus_shortname = '' content for your disqus ID
  2. mv resource/mdlutils.js resource/tags.js to Ghost path /core/server/helpers .
  3. In the admin panel / code-injection / Blog Footer code , Don't repeat loading jQuery example:
        <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  1. change your footer link /partials/footer.hbs

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MDL Customize


enteFixr image description here


Content Image (.entry-content img) : width:100%;height:auto; (图片不再飘出去了)
Fix Googleapis CDN (css.net)
Fix Disqus comment


  1. 修改 /partials/disqus.hbs 文件的 disqus_shortname = '' 引号内,内容为 你的disqus ID.
  2. 移动文件 resource/mdlutils.js resource/tags.js 到 Ghost博客目录 /core/server/helpers 目录内.
  3. 后台管理员面板->菜单code-injection -> Blog Footer 请勿重复加载jQuery
        <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
  1. 改变默认的footer链接内容,文件在 /partials/footer.hbs
  2. 移除 Disqus留言板 请打开post.hbs文件,移除 行57,与 行5052(ID为comments的div移除) 即可

For the Nerds

For customization, basic knowledge of the command line and the following dependencies are required to use MDL: