- 10
security issue
#939 opened by wzrdtales - 0
plugin.defaults can be a function, called before anything else, returning the defaults object
#940 opened by rjrodger - 0
retire norma
#926 opened by rjrodger - 1
why there is Hard limit on timeout
#932 opened by rsharma-prismhr - 13
old configs don't work anymore, consider releasing a major version due to breaking changes?
#895 opened by wzrdtales - 1
Service Unavailable
#938 opened by Nobodyno-boop - 0
internal generated test ids (with Nid) should always start with a letter to avoid parsing as numbers
#935 opened by rjrodger - 0
seneca core should not need node:fs
#934 opened by rjrodger - 0
plugin prepare does not include meta in arguments
#933 opened by rjrodger - 1
seneca-web-adapter-fastify library request
#928 opened by DarkGL - 1
How to store the terminal console logs
#925 opened by fwx5618177 - 0
- 0
event names should be validated
#929 opened by rjrodger - 0
Error identification needs to handle doppelgängers
#927 opened by rjrodger - 0
- 1
- 0
actual results when running tutorial code returns different results, not your expected results
#919 opened by mauricefaeh - 0
code of conduct outdated
#916 opened by BeAllAround - 0
Plugin namespace conflict
#914 opened by vitorclelis96 - 0
plugin loading when$ directive
#912 opened by rjrodger - 0
not all exceptions have a stack
#911 opened by rjrodger - 1
Adding issue, pr templates and
#910 opened by ChinmayMhatre - 0
prepend plugin name to action function name
#905 opened by rjrodger - 0
#904 opened by rjrodger - 0
seneca.prepare+destroy should be independent of fix
#902 opened by rjrodger - 0
- 0
Shared object not available in preload function
#899 opened by vitorclelis96 - 0
Provide action specific object space
#898 opened by rjrodger - 6
About molecular vs sensca?
#893 opened by ching2018 - 0
Module Not found seneca-mongo-store
#897 opened by rohit267 - 0
Seneca close function won't do anything
#896 opened by vitorclelis96 - 0
Warning for long running actions
#892 opened by rjrodger - 2
Using a plugin with a Seneca instance passed as an option, crashes the stack
#889 opened by lilsweetcaligula - 0
- 1
- 0
allow list for inbound directives
#888 opened by github-actions - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
plugin loader should also check for .default
#884 opened by rjrodger - 1
Jsonic: [SyntaxError: Expected "[", "false", "null", "true", "{", [^,}\]], double-quote string, number or single-quote string but "}"
#881 opened by 1fabiopereira - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
plugin exports should be debug logged
#880 opened by rjrodger - 0
default log settings should be dev friendly
#879 opened by rjrodger - 0 ignores log levels
#878 opened by lilsweetcaligula - 0
- 1
Check all commands for one specific role
#874 opened by NickTaylor98