

Primary LanguageSwift



This is going to be less than helpful. Sorry about that. I'm not really the best person to be doing this.

Here's the deal. This is a hobby for me. I retired from corporate coding 8 years ago and started to fiddle around with coding mobile apps. I wrote a marginal Android app, then some apple people came and said I should make an Apple version. I fumbled through getting some functionality over on an apple version, but wasn't really into it. Then, all of the bullshipt associated with Apple's charging me $99 to give away an app. Ah, whatever. Now I've been informed I'm not going to be setting any longevity records, so pushing this out for whomever. My expectation is that this repo will never be used, but, at least it's 'out there'. Not that this code is anything to be too proud out (my first look at Swift). It was fun though. The coding part, anyway. The code signing crap from Apple sucks, especially if you're like me and don't own an Apple mobile device. To any future developers, please take it as far as you can. Make it your own. Be brutal if you find anything even boarder on idocracy. Never watch the movie "idiocracy" though. Unless you are stoned. Then you have my blessing to watch. It's the stupidiest movie ever.