
Dynamic statistical comparison of Bayesian linear model fitting procedures and their applications in genetic association studies

Primary LanguageR


a repository for a dynamic statistical comparison of Bayesian linear model fitting procedures and their applications in genetic association studies

How to use this to set up a new DSC

  1. Copy this repo. For example, suppose you want to call your repo dscr_blm and host it on github. You could do the following:
    • create a new repo named dscr_blm on your github account.
    • clone this repo to your locaal computer, under the directory dscr_blm say, using git clone https://github.com/stephens999/dscr-template.git dscr_blm
    • set up your local repo to push to your github repo: cd dscr_blm git remote rm origin git remote add origin https://github.com/yourgithubid/dscr_blm.git
    • Push to your github repo using git push -u origin master
  2. Put at least one datamaker function in a .R file in the datamakers directory (all .R files in this directory will be sourced before scenarios.R). See the file datamakers/eg_datamaker.R for example.
  3. Put at least one method function in a .R file in the methods directory (all .R files in this directory will be sourced before methods.R). See the file methods/eg_method.R
  4. Edit the file scenarios.R to define your scenarios
  5. Edit the file methods.R to define your methods
  6. Edit the file score.R to define your scoring function
  7. Replace the text in this README.md file with a description of the DSC. Include background, and definitions of the structure of the objects meta, input, and output that is used by your DSC. A template for these instructions is included below.
  8. Run your DSC by running source("run_dsc.R") in R. [Make sure you have installed the dscr package first from https://github.com/stephens999/dscr]