The data from this survey are used for a wide range of equipment design, sizing, and tariffing applications within the military and have many potential commercial, industrial, and academic applications.

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The 2012 US Army Anthropometric Survey (ANSUR II) was executed by the Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) from October 2010 to April 2012 and comprises personnel representing the total US Army force including the US Army Active Duty, Reserves, and National Guard. In addition to the anthropometric and demographic data described below, the ANSUR II database also consists of the 3D whole body, foot, and head scans of Soldier participants. These 3D data are not publicly available out of respect for the privacy of ANSUR II participants. The data from this survey are used for a wide range of equipment design, sizing, and tariffing applications within the military and have many potential commercial, industrial, and academic applications.

The ANSUR II working databases contain 93 anthropometric measurements which were directly measured, and 15 demographic/administrative variables explained below. The ANSUR II Male working database includes a total sample of 4,082 subjects. The ANSUR II Female working database contains a total sample of 1,986 subjects.

DATA DICT: https://data.world/datamil/ansur-ii-data-dictionary/workspace/file?filename=ANSUR+II+Databases+Overview.pdf

1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Import Libraries, Load Dataset, Exploring Data

    i. Imported Libraries

    *ii. Ingested Data *

    iii. Explored Data

    iv. Outlier Detection

    v. Dropped unnecessary features

2. Data Preprocessing

  • Scale (if needed)
  • Separeted the data frame for evaluation purposes

3. Multi-class Classification

  • Imported libraries
  • Implemented SVM Classifer
  • Implemented Decision Tree Classifier
  • Implemented Random Forest Classifer
  • Implemented XGBoost Classifer
  • Compared The Models