
Django Web Application(Blog+Portfolio)

Primary LanguageTclMIT LicenseMIT

Portfolio Django web application

Django full functional portfolio + blog web application.

Image of homeage of this repository


1: python 3.8

Deploy at heroku

It's 100% ready to deploy at heroku container. Just fork the 'add-migrations' branch of this repository 
or make your own. Login your heroku account and make an app.
In deploy method, select github. connect your repository and start deploy. that's it. 

Local Development:

Download or clone the stable branch 'add-migrations'. Goto project root folder.
C:\>git clone https://github.com/nasim-007/portfolio.git

C:\>cd portfolio

C:\portfolio>cd django


(django)C:\portfolio\django>cd ..

(django)C:\portfolio>pip freeze > requirements.txt

(django)C:\portfolio>pip install -r requirements.txt

(django)C:\portfolio>python manage.py migrate

(django)C:\portfolio>python manage.py runserver
### It will start a local server on 'http://localhost:8000'
create a super user using,
(django)C:\portfolio>python manage.py createsuperuser
then go to http://localhost:8000/admin to accesss your administrations to control your dynamic application.
Congrats! everything is setup. Your project ready to deploy in heroku for live your project online.
Get any error, send me the scrrenshot at my inbox, i will try to give you the solution.
Facebook: https://facebook.com/nasimnimu007
Email: nasim.mahmud.1996@gmail.com
Phone: 01777-424142