Death by 1000 needles

Please check existing issues (both open and closed) before creating new ones. It will save me some time answering duplicated questions and right now time is the most critical resource. Regards.

How to choose VPN

Free by request or promo code


HOWTO: Manual for newbies / Інструкція для новачків [ENGLISH and UKRAINIAN]

[Українська версія] Інструкція

Увімкніть VPN

Найкраще - це на Росію. Але інші країни також підійдуть. Головне - не залишатись у кіберпросторі України!

Установка і запуск - для новачків

  1. Качаємо свою платформу:
  2. Розпаковуємо архів
  3. Запускаємо файл всередині
  4. Готово!

Може бути застереження - “Компьютер не може підтвердити походження файлу”. Ігноруємо його, запускаємо все одно

Альтернативно: Установка і запуск - через docker

docker run

Що робити далі

Вам потрібно лише тримати увімкненим VPN, свій ком’ютер і цю програму на ньому. Наші спеціалісти координують атаки без відволікання вас від справ.

[English version] Tutorial

Use VPN!!!

Switch to Russia if possible. Don’t use Ukraine as a VPN location! But any other country or VPN location is okay. Stay safe!

For dummies

  1. Download application for your platform:
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. Launch the file inside the archive
  4. Done!

You can get warnings from your computer about the file - ignore them. Our software is open source. It can be checked and compiled by you yourself.

Alternative: Docker usage

docker run

What’s next

You need to keep your computer active, use VPN and make sure that the application is up and running. Our experts coordinate our attacks remotely without disturbing and interrupting you. Thanks for your help!

For devs

Developed by Arriven (

This is a simple distributed load generation client written in go. It is able to fetch simple json config from a local or remote location. The config describes which load generation jobs should be launched in parallel. I do not intend to copy or replace it but rather provide a simple open source option. Feel free to use it in your load tests (wink-wink)

The software is provided as is under no guarantee. I will update both the repo and this readme as I go during following days (date of writing this is 26th of February 2022, third day into russian invasion into Ukraine)

Synflood implementation is taken from and slightly patched. I couldn't just import the package as all the functionality code was in an internal package preventing import into other modules. Will figure it out better later (sorry to the owner).

How to install

binary install

go to releases page and install latest version for your os

go install

run command in your terminal

go install

docker install with openvpn

how to install docker?

make sure you've set all available resources to docker

if you don't want to use VPN from within docker container, set --env "VPN_ENABLED= in

if you want to to use VPN from within docker container:

  • place your .ovpn or .conf files into openvpn/ directory
  • if there's more than one .ovpn or .conf file, random configuration will be picked
  • set --env "VPN_ENABLED=true in
  • update --env "OPENVPN_USERNAME=" and --env "OPENVPN_PASSWORD=" in with your credentials

if you want to use different VPN providers (meaning different OPENVPN_USERNAME and OPENVPN_PASSWORD credentials), do the following:

  • set --env "VPN_ENABLED=true in
  • remove --env "OPENVPN_USERNAME=" and --env "OPENVPN_PASSWORD=" from
  • place your openvpn-provider-1.conf into openvpn/ directory
  • find the line in your openvpn-provider-1.conf where it says auth-user-pass and replace with auth-user-pass provider1.txt
  • create a text file in openvpn/provider1.txt with two lines:
<your provider 1 username>
<your provider 1 password>
  • repeat steps above for multiple providers

kubernetes install

for experienced users, see instructions in helm/

shell install

run install script directly into the shell (useful for install through ssh)

curl | sh

the command above will detect the os and architecture, dowload the archive, validate it, and extract db1000n executable into the working directory. You can then run it via this command


Kubernetes run

Simple run with deployment

Enter to k8s simple deployment directory

$ cd k8s-manifest/simple

Create deployment

$ kubectl create -f ./

Scale it, if you have resources

$ kubectl scale deployment/db1000n --replicas=10 -n db1000n

Advanced run with DaemonSets

Get and label nodes where you need to run db1000n. It should be nodes at least with 2CPU and 2GB of RAM, CPU resources in priority for db1000n:

$ kubectl get nodes

Select nodes where you want to run db1000n from the output and label it:

$ kubectl label nodes ${YOUR_UNIQUE_NODE_NAME} db1000n=true

Enter to k8s advanced manifest directory

$ cd k8s-manifest/advanced

Create DaemonSet with db1000n:

$ kubectl create -f ./

How does it work? DaemonSet will create db1000n on each node which was labeled as db1000n=true, only one pod per node. Where it can be useful? In large cluster types what can be autoscaled horizontally, for example, GKE standard k8s cluster from the free tier purposes


Commandline reference

Usage of /tmp/go-build781992389/b001/exe/main:
  -b string
        path to a backup config file in case primary one is unavailable (default "")
  -c string
        path to a config file, can be web endpoint (default "")
  -h    print help message and exit
  -l int
        logging level. 0 - Debug, 1 - Info, 2 - Warning, 3 - Error (default 1)
  -m string
        path where to dump usage metrics, can be URL or file, empty to disable
  -r duration
        refresh timeout for updating the config (default 1m0s)

Config file reference

The config is expected to be in json format and has following configuration values:

  • jobs - [array] array of attack job definitions to run, should be defined inside the root object
  • jobs[*] - [object] single job definition as json object
  • jobs[*].type - [string] type of the job (determines whhich attack function to launch). Can be http, tcp, udp, syn-flood, or packetgen
  • jobs[*].count - [number] the amount of instances of the job to be launched, automatically set to 1 if no or invalid value is specified
  • jobs[*].args - [object] arguments to pass to the job. Depends on jobs[*].type

http args:

  • method - [string] http method to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • path - [string] url path to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • body - [object] http payload to use (passed directly to go http.NewRequest)
  • headers - [object] key-value map of http headers
  • client - [object] http client config for the job
  • client.tls_config - [object] tls config for transport (InsecureSkipVerify is true by default)
  • client.proxy_urls - [array] string urls for proxies to use (chosen randomly for each request)
  • client.timeout - [time.Duration]
  • client.max_idle_connections - [number]

tcp and udp shared args:

  • address - [string] network host to connect to, can be either hostname:port or ip:port
  • body - [object] json data to be repeatedly sent over the network

http, tcp, and udp shared args:

  • interval_ms - [number] interval between requests in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 (Care, in case of udp job it might generate the data faster than your OS/network card can process it)
  • count - [number] limit the amount of requests to send with this job invocation. Defaults to 0 (no limit). Note: if config is refreshed before this limit is reached the job will be restarted and the counter will be reset

syn-flood args:

  • host - [string] host to attack, can be either DNS name or IP
  • port - [number] port to attack
  • payload_length - [number] refer to original syn-flood package docs
  • flood_type - [string] type of flood to send, can be syn, ack, synack, and random

Warning: packetgen requires root privilleges to run

packetgen args:

  • host - [string] host to attack, can be either DNS name or IP
  • port - [string] numerical value of port to attack (string to allow template generation)
  • payload - [string] payload to include into packets
  • ethernet - [object] ethernet layer configuration
  • ethernet.src_mac - [string]
  • ethernet.dst_mac - [string]
  • ip - [object] ip layer configuration
  • ip.src_ip - [string]
  • ip.dst_ip - [string]
  • udp - [object] udp layer configuration (disables tcp if present)
  • udp.src_port - [number]
  • udp.dst_port - [number]
  • tcp - [object] tcp layer configuration (excluded if udp is present)
  • tcp.src_port - [number]
  • tcp.dst_port - [number]
  • tcp.seq - [number]
  • tcp.ack - [number]
  • tcp.window - [number]
  • tcp.urgent - [number]
  • tcp.flags - [object] flags for tcp (every flag has it's respective name)

Warning: slow-loris from testconfig.json is not yet finished and may overload the app due to not handling config refreshes

Almost every leaf [string] or [object] parameter can be templated with go template syntax. I've also added couple helper functions (list will be growing):

  • random_uuid
  • random_int
  • random_int_n
  • random_ip
  • random_payload
  • random_mac_addr
  • random_port
  • local_ip
  • local_mac_addr
  • base64_encode
  • base64_decode

Please refer to official go documentation and code for these for now