
remixd -s . --remix-ide

1) docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redismod

2) npm run serve

3) npm run start

Solidity Task

  1. Develop a smart contract(-s) on Solidity for deploying a NFT collection (ERC721) with some arguments (name, symbol). The smart contract should emit the following events: a. CollectionCreated(address collection, name, symbol) b. TokenMinted(address collection, address recipient, tokenId, tokenUri)
  2. Develop a simple backend server with in-memory storage to handle emitted events and serve it via HTTP.
  3. Develop a front end demo application that interacts with the smart contract and has the following functionality: a. Create a new NFT collection with specified name and symbol (from user input); b. Mints a new NFT with specified collection address (only created on 3.a), tokenId, tokenUri.