
Develop a dynamic form builder using Next.js (version 12.3.4), TypeScript, and React Hook Form. The form should be rendered based on a predefined schema with variable configurations and demonstrate your ability to write dynamic, reusable, scalable, and extensible UI components.


1. Form Schema Definition

  • Utilize the FormField type and FormFieldType enum from src/models/form.ts to define a form schema.
  • Your form should support all field types defined in FormFieldType.

2. Dynamic Form Rendering

  • Implement the FormBuilder component in src/components/FormBuilder/FormBuilder.tsx.
  • Implement necessary supporting components.
  • Dynamically render form fields based on the fields prop using React Hook Form.
  • Ensure each form field supports the attributes and validation specified in the FormField interface.

3. Form Validation and Submission

  • Implement an onSubmit function in src/pages/index.tsx that logs form values to the console.
  • Include appropriate validation handling based on the schema.

4. Bonus: UI/UX Design

  • Ensure that the webpage and form are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes, especially mobile devices.
  • Use SCSS or a UI framework / library of your choice for styling.

5. Bonus: Retrieve Form Field Config from API

  • Create a mock API endpoint within the Next.js project to serve form field configurations.
  • Modify the src/pages/index.tsx to retrieve form configurations from this API.

6. Bonus: Form Submission to API

  • Implement a mock API endpoint for form submission within the Next.js project.
  • Modify the form submission logic to POST the form data to this API.
  • In the API handler, log the received form data to simulate saving and return a mock response.


  • TypeScript and ES6+ code.
  • Emphasis on maintainability and understandable code structure.
  • Flexibility to modify the provided starter code.
  • Option to use additional libraries to complete the task.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Functionality: The form should be fully functional and meet all objectives and requirements.
  • Reusability and Scalability: Components should be designed for reusability, extensibility and scalability.
  • Responsiveness: The webpage should be responsive and mobile-friendly.
  • Code Quality: Code should be clean, well-organized, and follow best practices.
  • UI Design (Plus, not primary): A user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing UI is a plus, but the primary focus is on functionality and code quality.
  • API Interaction (Bonus): Ability to interact with APIs for fetching form configurations and submitting data.