
e-max is now known as cabbage => https://github.com/senny/cabbage


e-max is now known as cabbage => https://github.com/senny/cabbage


For upgrading from e-max to cabbage you need to reinstall it. The install script will move your ~/.emacs.d with your configuration to a backup location. Therefore you need to reconfigure your emacs in ~/.emacs.d.


  1. Run the install script:

    $ /usr/bin/env bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/senny/cabbage/master/scripts/install.sh)"

    It renames your current configuration folder (~/.emacs.d/) to a backup name (e.g. ~/.emacs.d.old-20120826-195820).

  2. Copy the important settings from your ~/.emacs.d.old-* to the new ~/.emacs.d. The structure has changed and all the settings and functions were renamed from .*e-max.* to .*cabbage.*.

Mailing list

Join us in the cabbage google group. Write to the group if you experience problems while upgrading!