Telegram notification with IPython magics.
TelePyth (named /teləˈpaɪθ/) — a Telegram bot that is integrated with IPython. It provides an ability to send any text notification to user from Jupyter notebook or IPython CLI.
Start chat with @telepyth_bot and get
access token using /start
command. TelePyth Bot understands some other
simple commands. Type
to begin interaction with bot;/revoke
to revoke token issued before;/last
to get current valid token or nothing if there is no active one;/help
to see help message and credentials.
TelePyth command is available as an IPython magic command which could be used in Jupyter notebook as well as in plain IPython, qtconsole etc. TelePyth package could be also used directly in Python. And also, there is an HTTP API through which all the things works.
It is easy to send messages after token is issued. Just install telepyth
package by pip install telepyth
, import it and notify
import telepyth
%telepyth -t 123456789
%telepyth 'Very magic, wow!'
TelepythClient allows to send notifications, figures and markdown messages directly without using magics.
from telepyth import TelepythClient
tp = TelepythClient()
tp.send_text('Hello, World!') # notify with plain text
tp.send_text('_bold text_ and then *italic*') # or with markdown formatted text
tp.send_figure(some_pyplot_figure, 'Awesome caption here!') # or even with figure
TelePyth package also provide command line interface (CLI). It is similar to IPython magic. For example, one can send notifcation as following.
telepyth -t 31415926 "Moar notifications!"
Note that you can use TelePyth to send notifications via Telegram without any wrappers and bindings. This is useful for bash scripting. Just request TelePyth backend directly to notify user. For instance, to send message from bash:
curl<access_token_here> \
-H 'Content-Type: plain/text' \
-d 'Hello, World!'
See more examples and usage details here.
© Daniel Bershatsky <>, 2017