
Script to perform some hashcracking logic automagically

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple script to get some hash cracking done effectively. In this blog you can read some background on hash-cracker.

Some sites where you can find wordlists:

Want to make the $HEX[1234] Hashcat output readable? Have a look at hex-to-readable or use CyberChef.


git clone https://github.com/crypt0rr/hash-cracker

Requirements for Full Functionality


  • Python2
    • python2 -m pip install pyenchant==3.0.0a1
  • CeWL



./hash-cracker [FLAG]


Note: flags are optional, by default hash-cracker will run with optimized kernels enabled and perform loopback actions.

        -l / --no-loopback
                 Disable loopback functionality
        -n / --no-limit
                 Disable the use of optimized kernels (un-limits password length)
                 Enable hashcat to do hardware monitoring
        -m / --module-info
                 Display information around modules/options
        -s [hash-name] / --search [hash-name]
                 Will search local DB for hash module. E.g. '-s ntlm'
                 Use the 'hash-cracker.conf' static configuration file.
        -d / --disable-cracked
                 Will stop output cracked hashes directly on screen.

Static Configuration File

By default, hash-cracker will run in 'ask you all variable' mode. When specifying --static the hash-cracker.conf file is used for some basic settings. You can specify:

  • HASHCAT - binary path where you've installed hashcat
  • HASHTYPE - mode hashcat will run in (e.g. 1000 (NTLM))
  • HASHLIST - file containing target hashes
  • POTFILE - specify the potfile you want to use / create
  • WORDLIST - specify the first static word list
  • WORDLIST2 - specify the second static word list

Example Hashes

Example hashes are provided in 3 formats within the example-hashes directory.

  • MD5 (-m 0)
  • SHA1 (-m 100)
  • NTLM (-m 1000)

If you feel like cracking a large database, have a look at Have I Been Pwned (SHA1 / NTLM)

Version log

See here
