If you want to use notifyii with roles, extensions like "rights" or RBAC are required.
Be shure to have the same 'db' configuratiion in these files:
To install notifyii, navigate to the forlder "protected/modules" of your project. If your project does not have any "modules" folder, just create id. Then, run the command:
$ git clone git@github.com:sensorario/notifyii
Now you just need to add module to confi file:
And try to load these routes:
The first one show you a sample page that create a sample notification. The second one show you a crud to alter notifications.
If you want you can add these items to views/layouts/main.php file:
array('label'=>'Notifyii', 'url'=>array('/notifyii')),
array('label'=>'ModelNotifyii', 'url'=>array('/notifyii/modelNotifyii')),
array('label'=>'NotifyiiReads', 'url'=>array('/notifyii/notifyiiReads')),
/var/www/YOUR_APP_NAME/protected$ ./yiic migrate --migrationPath=webroot.modules.notifyii.migrations
$notifyii = new Notifyii();
$notifyii->title('News from Mayans!');
$notifyii->message('The end of the world');
$notifyii->expire(new DateTime("21-12-2012"));
$notifyii->from("-1 week");
$notifyii->to("+1 day");
Suppose to load all notifications in your controller:
public function actionIndex()
$this->render('index', array(
'notifiche' => ModelNotifyii::getAllNotifications()
In the view, you can load all notifications
<?php $number = 1; ?>
<?php while (Yii::app()->user->hasFlash('success' . ($number))) : ?>
<?php $message = Yii::app()->user->getFlash('success' . ($number)); ?>
<div class="flash-success info">
<h3><?php echo $message['title']; ?></h3>
<div><?php echo $message['message']; ?></div>
<?php $number = $number + 1; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>