
SensorBee OpenCV plugin

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

wercker status

OpenCV plugin for SensorBee

This is the OpenCV plugin for SensorBee.

This plugin currently supports following features of OpenCV:

  • Inputting video stream from a file or a camera
  • Encoding JPEG
  • Cascade classifier


  • OpenCV with ffmpeg enabled for video input sources
    • Example on Mac OS X: brew install homebrew/science/opencv --with-ffmpeg
  • SensorBee
    • v0.5 or later


Plugin Registration

Add gopkg.in/sensorbee/opencv.v0/plugin to build.yaml for the build_sensorbee command.


- gopkg.in/sensorbee/opencv.v0/plugin

BQL examples

Capturing frames from a video file

-- capturing
CREATE PAUSED SOURCE camera1_avi TYPE opencv_capture_from_uri WITH
    frame_skip=4, next_frame_error=false;

This source will start generating a stream from "video/camera1.avi" after executing RESUME query.

RESUME SOURCE camera1_avi;

Note that PAUSED should not be specified when capturing from a webcam, which keeps generating a video stream.