
SensorLab website

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


New SensorLab webpage at sensorlab.github.io and sensorlab.ijs.si

How to start development and contribute?

(Recommended) Develop inside container

  • Install Docker
  • run make up command


  • Install Hugo "extended version" with SCSS support. Instructions
  • install NodeJS. Instructions
  • Install NodeJS dependencies using npm install
  • Run development server using npm start

How to contribute content?

Add a new funded project

  1. Under content/projects/, add a new directory (e.g., <brand-new-project>).
  2. Copy archetypes/project.md to content/projects/<brand-new-project>/index.md.
  3. Edit content accordingly, provide logo, etc.
  4. Optionally add supplemental material into the content/projects/<brand-new-project>/ directory.
  5. Preview the outcome using make up.
  6. Commit the changes.