
Packages for libpg to work with sensu embedded ruby

Sensu pg

Sensu pg is package with compiled libpg against sensu openssl. It makes pg gem installation possible in sensu embedded environment. RPM package will be soon.

Building debian package from source

  1. Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/sensu-plugins/sensu-pg.git
  1. Install sensu and build-essential pkgs
sudo apt-get install sensu build-essential debhelper
  1. Enter in git repo directory
cd sensu-pg
  1. Build debian binary package
dpkg-buildpackage -b
  1. Install package with dpkg
sudo dpkg -i ../sensu-pg_1.0.2-3_amd64.deb

## Install binary package
1. Go to release page
2. Download the newest deb package
3. Install it with dpkg