
Image recognition web app using Express JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple web application built with Express.js that allows users to upload an image and perform image recognition on it. The app uses a pre-trained MobileNet model from TensorFlow.js to recognize the image and return the most likely classification of the image.

Built With

  • Tensorflow
  • Expressjs
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript
  • EJS


  • Upload an image
  • Display the uploaded image
  • Perform image recognition on the uploaded image
  • Display the most likely classification of the image

VScode or other editor


  • Clone the repository
  • Navigate to the project directory
  • Run npm install to install the dependencies
  • Run npm start to start the server
  • Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/
  • Upload an image using the form and click submit
  • Wait for the image recognition process to finish
  • View the most likely classification of the image
  • If you want to use it as API you can pass the image in the http://localhost:3000/image
  • You can find the class name file at tensorflow

Cloning the project

git clone https://github.com/OpenGenus/Image-recognition-web-app-Express-JS


👤 Sentayhu Berhanu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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-This project was inspired by OpenGenus

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.!