
Example how is possible to manage state in Blazor application with INotifyPropertyChanged inspired with MobX.

Primary LanguageC#

Blazor StateX

Example how is possible to manage state in Blazor application with INotifyPropertyChanged inspired with MobX.

This example use PropertyChanged.Fody NuGet package to generate most of boilerplate code associate with INotifyPropertyChanged pattern.

It is first time when i use PropertyChanged.Fody and seems it work well.

Main goal is minimizing boilerplate.

Getting started

0. Install fody

Install fody (on all project when you have Stores or Models) PM> Install-Package PropertyChanged.Fody PM> Install-Package Fody

1. Add Models

Add folder Models (or use .Shared project in template with more project in solution)

2. Add model entity
public class Passenger : INotifyPropertyChanged // <--- Add this to each model entity which you are mutable
	public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; // <---- And this (Fody generate rest of the boilerplate)

	public string FirstName { get; set; }

	public string LastName { get; set; }

	public string DocumentNumber { get; set; }

	public string SomeUnuseProperty { get; set; }

	public string FullName => (FirstName ?? string.Empty) + " " + (LastName ?? string.Empty);
3. Add folder Stores

Add folder "Stores" or whatever you want to use for manage state

4. Add store
public class PassengerStore : INotifyPropertyChanged // <--- Add this to each store
	//  Variables

	public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; // <---- And this (Fody generate rest of the boilerplate)

	private List<Passenger> passengers = new List<Passenger>();

	//  Properties

	public IReadOnlyList<Passenger> Passengers { get; private set; } = new List<Passenger>(0).AsReadOnly();

	//  Actions

	public void AddNewPassenger()
		// All actions which add new entities to store should be done via "Action" in store.

		// Also it depend on your need if all items in store collection go through action
		// you can also subscribe notify event here. Because this example fire PropertyCanged
		// only if you add new passenger but not when you latter change some property on it.

		passengers.Add(new Passenger());
		Passengers = passengers.AsReadOnly();

	public bool RemovePassenger(Passenger passenger)
		if (passengers.Remove(passenger))
			Passengers = passengers.AsReadOnly();
			return true;
		return false;
5. Add 1. component
@inherits StateXComponent // <---- Nessesry for apply observable attribute

	<hr />
	@foreach (var passenger in passengerStore.Passengers)
		<PassengerForm Passenger="passenger" />

	[Inject, Observable] // <---- You muset inject store here no on top of the component (because only here is possible to set [Observable])
	private PassengerStore passengerStore { get; set; }

Component now refresh each time when you modife store (add new passengers / remove)

Warn: this component not observed each passenger!

6. Add 2. component

This component observed Passanger when you somewhere change Passanger properties component will be refresh.

@inherits StateXComponent

	<div class="form-group">
		<label>First name</label>
		<!-- https://github.com/aspnet/Blazor/issues/659 -->
		<input bind="@Passenger.FirstName" placeholder="First name" />
	<div class="form-group">
		<label>Last name</label>
		<input bind="@(Passenger.LastName)" placeholder="Last name" />
	<div class="form-group">
		<label>Passport or ID number</label>
		<input bind="@Passenger.DocumentNumber" placeholder="Documment ID" />
	<hr />

	public Passenger Passenger { get; set; }

Also you can use:


If you want observed only FirstName properties.


This is just example i dont have any nuget package you need add ObservableAttribute.cs and StateXComponent.cs to your project.