
A sample easy to deploy full stack C# Azure web app using Pulumi

Primary LanguageC#

An easy to deploy Azure webapp

Fullstack C#/.NET (frontend + backend + Infrastructure), Azure-first design.

  • Create storage account with a pulumi-state blob container
  • Create Azure Key Vault, make sure your Azure user have all permissions (or add individually until pulumi new works)
  • Create .env.sh in the root folder with the following content:

export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT="moistorage" # State storage
export AZURE_STORAGE_KEY="xxxx"           

Then in the commandline:

source .env.sh          # Set environment variables
dotnet publish          # Build and publish the ASP.NET Core Blazor app
cd src/Infrastructure
pulumi stack init dev   # First time init
az login                # Make sure you're logged in to Azure
pulumi up               # Applies updates to Azure

Now you can open the WebAppUrl output url.

If you make any changes to the ASP.NET Core app, just rerun pulumi up and it will update the zip file.

From scratch

pulumi login --cloud-url azblob://pulumi-state
pulumi new azure-csharp --secrets-provider="azurekeyvault://moi-key-vault.vault.azure.net/keys/pulumi-secret"