
Your favorite XAML controls implemented as Blazor components rendering into HTML/CSS!

Primary LanguageC#


Extensible Application Markup for Blazor

Xamzor is an experimental project in which I try to prototype a set of reusable Blazor components that are familiar to XAML developers and make it easy to compose web views that feel like native apps.

The list of Xamzor components currently includes the most common layout controls (Grid, StackPanel, Border, ScrollViewer) as well as TextBlock, Image, Button and ProgressRing.

👉 Try the Live Demo
(this always runs the latest commit and may therefore be broken from time to time)


  • Provide WPF-style layout primitives including Grid, StackPanel and Border, supporting properties like Width, Height, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, Margin and more

  • Render to HTML, mapping the layout properties to CSS (using grid/flexbox).

  • Be a library, not a framework

  • Allow mixing-and-matching Xamzor components and "normal" HTML.


  • I don't want Xamzor markup to be 100% syntax-compatible to XAML. In many ways, Razor syntax is more flexible than XAML.
  • I don't want to replicate WPF features for scenarios that can be solved more elegantly in Razor (e.g. we don't need {Binding} or ICommand)

About Blazor

Blazor is "an experimental web UI framework using C#/Razor and HTML, running in the browser via WebAssembly". It is a project from the ASP.NET team at Microsoft. Even if you are not a fan of my work, you should definitely check out Blazor.