
Friendly data example data package


Example data package for Friendly data tools

NOTE: The datasets included in this package are based on a real Calliope model, however it has been heavily simplified to illustrate the use case of the Friendly data tools, and should not be considered accurate


  • conf.yaml: configuration for metadata and IAMC conversion
  • index.yaml: configuration identifying different index columns, important for dataset metadata
  • technology.csv: technology definitions for IAMC conversion
  • carrier.csv: carrier definitions for IAMC conversion
  • *.csv: datasets (besides the two above)
  • datapackage.json: data package metadata

Example commands

  • Create the package (writes the datapackage.json file)

    $ friendly_data create index.yaml --metadata=conf.yaml --inplace
  • Describe the data package

    $ friendly_data describe .
  • Convert to IAMC (written to iamc.csv)

    $ friendly_data to-iamc conf.yaml index.yaml iamc.csv