
The CyberSecurity Framework (CSF for short) is a local Python3 scripting package which aims directly on Cyber Security auditing, where you can execute and create new programs for any purpuse that go under your own responsibility to fit your needs. (You can still use/extend it to fit on any unrelated needs of your own).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CSF - Cyber Security Framework

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  • By the BlackSecurity Team (c).

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The CyberSecurity Framework (CSF for short) is a local Python3 scripting package which aims directly on Cyber Security auditing, with it, you can execute and create new programs for any purpose that go under your own responsibility to fit your needs. (You can still use/extend it to fit on any unrelated needs of your own).


  • This is a beta project, core features & modules can still be updated and require major changes over all programs. Use it at your own risk.


You are going to need Python >= v3.6 installed in order to execute CSF.

Once you have got Python installed, you can simply execute the following commands on your operating system's terminal to download & prepare BlackSecurity's Cyber Security Framework for use.

git clone https://github.com/black-security/cyber-security-framework.git
cd cyber-security-framework
pip install -r requirements.txt

Using CSF

To display a help message with details on CSF's arguments you can simply trigger the -h/--help flag as shown below.

$ csf.py --help
usage: csf.py [-h] [-l [DIR]] [-d] [-e PROGRAM]

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -l [DIR], --list [DIR]
                       List available programs.
 -d, --debug           Debug program listing (-l/--list must be specified).
 -e PROGRAM, --exec PROGRAM, --execute PROGRAM
                       Execute the specified program.

Listing Programs:

  • List all working programs:
    $ csf.py --list
    $ csf.py --list
    [i] There are 16 programs available on 12 folders!
    |--crypto: (1/0)
    |  |--hkbit             Symmetric index based bit inversion cryptography.
    |--network: (3/2)
    |  |--client            Network Client.
    |  |--sniffer           Sniff and parse IPv4 traffic reporting anomalies sent from and to the interface of
    |  |                    the specified address.
    |  |--whois             Query & output whois data.
    |  |--link: (1/0)
    |  |  |--mac-lookup     IEEE EUI (Extended Unique Identifier) lookup tool.
    |  |--tor: (2/0)
    |  |  |--eph-hs         Ephemeral Hidden Server (EPH-HS) management program.
    |  |  |--fingerprintor  Retrieves descriptive information from hidden service addresses (via .onion
    |  |  |                 descriptors).
    |--remote: (0/5)
    |  |--dns: (3/0)
    |  |  |--dnask          Utility to build and execute DNS queries ...
    |  |  |--dns-zt         Request a zone transfer (AXFR Query) from a DNS server.
    |  |  |--nsmap          Map DNS Records.
    |  |--rdp: (1/0)
    |  |  |--rdp-c          Create simple RDP connection files.
    |  |--snmp: (1/0)
    |  |  |--snmpprint      SNMP data "walking" program.
    |  |--ssl: (1/0)
    |  |  |--heartbleed     Verify and exploit the heartbleed bug ...
    |  |--web: (0/2)
    |  |  |--apis: (1/0)
    |  |  |  |--fullcontact Performs contact info queries against email-addresses, twitter usernames, phone
    |  |  |  |              numbers, company names and domains ...
    |  |  |--cdn: (2/0)
    |  |  |  |--cloudsnarf  Identify IPv4 hosts behind CDNs using certificate data.
    |  |  |  |--crimeflare  Uncovering bad guys hiding behind CloudFlare ...
  • List all working programs on a specific folder:
    $ csf.py --list FOLDER
    $ csf.py --list remote
    |--remote: (0/5)
    [i] There are 9 programs available on 8 folders!
    |  |--dns: (3/0)
    |  |  |--dnask          Utility to build and execute DNS queries ...
    |  |  |--dns-zt         Request a zone transfer (AXFR Query) from a DNS server.
    |  |  |--nsmap          Map DNS Records.
    |  |--rdp: (1/0)
    |  |  |--rdp-c          Create simple RDP connection files.
    |  |--snmp: (1/0)
    |  |  |--snmpprint      SNMP data "walking" program.
    |  |--ssl: (1/0)
    |  |  |--heartbleed     Verify and exploit the heartbleed bug ...
    |  |--web: (0/2)
    |  |  |--apis: (1/0)
    |  |  |  |--fullcontact Performs contact info queries against email-addresses, twitter usernames, phone
    |  |  |  |              numbers, company names and domains ...
    |  |  |--cdn: (2/0)
    |  |  |  |--cloudsnarf  Identify IPv4 hosts behind CDNs using certificate data.
    |  |  |  |--crimeflare  Uncovering bad guys hiding behind CloudFlare ...
  • Debug program listing:
    $ csf.py --list --debug
    $ csf.py --list --debug
    [!] .\remote\test.py:
     -  NameError: (.\remote\test.py line #18 in <module>)
     -  name 'abc' is not defined

Executing Programs:

$ csf.py --execute PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS]


$ csf.py --execute remote/dns/dnask google.com --metaquery --rdtype ANY
id 56855
opcode QUERY
flags QR RD RA
google.com. IN ANY
google.com. 216 IN AAAA 2800:3f0:4001:80a::200e
google.com. 6 IN A
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns2.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns4.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns3.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns1.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns1.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns3.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns2.google.com.
google.com. 53467 IN NS ns4.google.com.
ns1.google.com. 260848 IN A
ns2.google.com. 259410 IN A
ns3.google.com. 259364 IN A
ns4.google.com. 259280 IN A


To create an executable program, which can be ran through the csf.py --execute command, all you need to do is subclass the core.modules.base.Program class and implement a run method on it. Once this class is initialized you can access a parser attribute which holds an argparse.ArgumentParser object, used to define & parse command line arguments into your program ...


# Import the class "Program" and function "print" from the core "base" and "console" modules.
from core.modules.base import Program
from core.modules.console import print

class MyProgram(Program):
    def __init__(self):
        # Initialize the base class (core.modules.base.Program).
        self.parser.add_argument("foo", type = str, help = "Foo str.")
        self.parser.add_argument("bar", type = int, help = "Bar int.")
        self.parser.add_argument("-b", "--baz", type = str, help = "Baz str.")
        self.parser.add_argument("-q", "--qux", type = str, default = "Quux", help = "Qux str.")

    def run(self):
        print(f"foo = {self.arguments.foo}, bar = {self.arguments.bar}, baz = {self.arguments.baz}, qux = {self.arguments.qux}")

TIP: You can also base on other program's code to roll your own, like so, you have something usable to base on.

Copyright (c) 2017 BlackSecurity Team.