- 12
Hannibal with HBase 1.0.0 version
#39 opened by pankaj2461 - 26
can not load page: MasterNotRunningException
#19 opened by chenhsiu - 0
Link is broken
#43 opened by doribd - 1
bind port failed, port 9000 is in used already
#41 opened by openkoding - 0
- 0
JdbcSQLException: Timeout trying to lock table "METRIC" when visiting /compactions
#37 opened by lins05 - 0
Display number of requests per region
#36 opened by chtitux - 1
Configurable timezone in Rickshaw chart
#35 opened by sunzhu - 1
- 0
- 0
- 8
- 2
compaction history chart duration
#28 opened - 3
- 0
Update Compaction Patterns for HBase 0.96 ...
#32 opened by meniku - 5
HBase 0.96 support
#30 opened by junegunn - 4
Does not work for large clusters
#22 opened - 1
Make retention period for metrics configurable ...
#25 opened by meniku - 2
Value too long for column
#24 opened by chuy08 - 3
Region view doesn't show correct region when start/end keys are non-printable characters
#20 opened by alexandre-normand - 2
[RFE] Show "Region History" for whole cluster
#18 opened by akvadrako - 0
Make sorting of tables chart optional
#12 opened by psybers - 4
Easy way to deploy hannibal
#17 opened by hercules90 - 10
Use username in compactions.logfile-url-pattern
#11 opened by psybers - 2
Rotating LogFiles cause Http Status 416 Errors
#13 opened by meniku - 0
Region History Graph y-Axes
#1 opened by meniku - 2
- 0
auto refresh of graphs
#2 opened by meniku - 1
Usability of Cluster screen
#6 opened by ranlo - 2