
Using Ionic and Firebase It's a Real-Time food court App where user can order food from different restaurants menu.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Using Ionic and Firebase, It's a Real-Time food court app where user can order food from different restaurants menu.
With Facebook SignIn Integration and local auth login system.
Changes occur real time.
An Ionic framework/cordova project.
Backend implemention on firebase.

Please feel free to report an Issue or ask for a feature that you want to see in this project
Or a Pull Request would be welcome.

Screen Shots of the App

Pre Requisites

  1. Node.js
  2. Cordova
  3. Ionic
  4. Bower


Clone this repository

$ git clone https://github.com/mjunaidsalaat/TheFoodShop.git
$ cd TheFoodShop
$ bower install

$ ionic serve
// locally serve ionic project

// SignUp or Use email: 'mj@mj.com' pass : 'mj' for quick access.
$ ionic platform add android
// add android platform
$ ionic build android
// An android-debug.apk file will be generated in the "android\build\outputs\apk"


$ ionic run android
// To run apk directly to the connected phone