
Testing of remote actors in Akka

Primary LanguageScala

Throughput testing between 2 JVM instances,

Starting like this (with play installed):
# on machine 1
AKKA_LHOST=machine1Ip AKKA_RHOST=machine2 AKKA_LPORT=5522 AKKA_RPORT=5523 play "start -Dpidfile.path=PID1 -Dconfig.file=conf/akka1.conf"
# on machine 2
AKKA_LHOST=machine2Ip AKKA_RHOST=machine1 AKKA_LPORT=5523 AKKA_RPORT=5522 play "start -Dpidfile.path=PID1 -Dconfig.file=conf/akka1.conf"
:or you can user run_test for local usage

To start messaging you must send USR2 to one of the instances, like this: kill -USR2 `cat PID1`
After this application will pass batch of messages (application.packSize=100000) and wait for receiving party to swallow it, then it starts again.

Metrics is available via JMX (in i.e. VisualVm), in logs dir as cvs, and outputted to application.log

AKKA_RPORT port for remote akka system
AKKA_RHOST host of remote akka system
AKKA_LPORT port for local akka system
AKKA_LHOST host of local akka system

Notice: remote host from 1st machine must exactly match local host setting on second machine

application.reply enables sending back of message