
📖 Spring & Vue.js

TaskAgile - A Trello-like Task Management Tool




  1. User stories
  2. Data modeling

User stories

The user stories will be grouped into the following themes:

  • Users: This contains all user-related stories
  • Teams: This contains all team-related stories
  • Boards: This contains all board-related stories
  • Cardlists: This contains all card list-related stories
  • Cards: This contains all card-related stories

user roles:

  • Visitor: Anonymous visitors that the system does not recognize
  • Registereduser: A user that has registered in the system
  • Teamcreator: A user who creates that team
  • Boardcreator: A user who creates that board
  • Boardmember: A user who is added to a board by the board creator


  • Register: As a visitor, I want to register a user account with my email address, username, and password.

    • The email address must not already exist in the system
    • The username must not already exist in the system
    • The password must be at least six characters
    • The password must contain at least one number
    • The password must contain at least one letter
  • Log in: As a registered user, I can use my username or email address with the password to log into the application.


  • Create a team: As a registered user, I want to create teams so that I can organize tasks of different teams.
  • Change team name: As a team creator, I can change the name of the team that I created.


  • Create a personal board: As a registered user, I can create a personal board so that I can organize personal tasks.
  • Create a team board: As a registered user, I can add a board to a team so that I can organize the tasks of that team.
  • Add board member: As a board creator, I can add registered users to a board as board members so that they can access cards in the board.
  • View board activities: As a board member, I can view all activities within that board so that I can understand what happened.

Card Lists

  • Create a card list: As a board member, I can add card lists in a board so that I can arrange cards in that list.
  • Rename card list: As a board member, I can rename a card list. Archive card list: As a board member, I can archive a card list in that board.
  • Change card list position: As a board member, I can change the position of a card list in that board. View card list: As a board member, I can view the cards added to a card list in that board.


  • Add card: As a board member, I can add cards to card lists in that board.
  • View card: As a board member, I can view the details of a card in that board.
  • Edit card title: As a board member, I can edit the title of a card in that board.
  • Edit card description: As a board member, I can edit the description of a card using plain text or markdown formatted text in that board.
  • Assign member to the card: As a board member, I can add board members to a card.
  • Change the card position: As a board member, I can rearrange cards by changing their positions in the same card list so that I can better prioritize them.
  • Move card: As a board member, I can move cards between card lists in that board. Archive card: As a board member, I can archive a card in that board.
  • Delete card: As a board member, I can delete an archived card in that board.
  • Add card attachment: As a board member, I can attach an attachment to a card in that board.
  • Download card attachment: As a board member, I can download the attachments of a card in that board.
  • Delete card attachment: As a board member, I can delete card attachments of a card in that board.
  • Add card comment: As a board member, I can add comments to a card in that board.
  • Edit card comment: As a board member, I can edit my own card comments in that board.
  • Delete card comment: As a board member, I can delete my own card comments in that board.
  • View card activities: As a board member, I'd like to view all the activities of a card so that I can track the history of that card.