



The words in the studying language book are not useful in real life. And there are not many opportunities to access new languages in daily life. Language skill is improved only when users continue to learn and pronounce with their eyes and ears, but it is not easy to encounter new languages around us.

Goal & Target user

  1. Goal

• Making people more active, easy, and fun to study words. • Providing an opportunity to get acquainted with words of the language that users want to learn.

  1. Target User

• Children who are experiencing studying new languages. • Children who don't want to study languages with books. • Children who want to study with my own objects.

Key features of the implemented application

Learning mode

• The object is detected and recognized through a webcam and the object word is informed to the user.

Game mode

• A webcam is required for the game mode like learning mode.

Word list mode

• The user may check the words learned through the corresponding function.


Programming language : Python, html, css

Source codes :

Source codes, Examples :

APIs, libraries : openCV, numpy, django, bootstrap, gtts

Device : Web cam

IDE : pyCharm

Data : YOLO Weight file, YOLO ctf file, YOLO names file, Names file of different countries

User research results

• Interviewee: 4 Student (20~25 ages)

• Research method : User Test

• User opinion

“When asked if the application would be useful for learning Spanish words, it said it would be useful for learning the language for the first time because it could learn the words of real things, but it seems not enough to do deep learning “

• Total evaluation

There are cases where the picture quality is not good and object recognition is not possible, but feedback was obtained that it would be useful for students who start studying Spanish because it is accessible and intriguing.

Limitations & Future study

  1. Limitation

• We can only learn to take pictures yourself

• When supporting a lot of words, fps slowed down, making it difficult to provide enough words.

  1. Future study

• Supporting languages other than Spanish.


Through this system, people can actively learn the words. Our system induces people to actively participate in study rather than simply read a book and do passive learning. Finding the objects that users want to know and taking a picture of the objects help them actively participate in learning. Also, people can easily learn the words around us. They can know words step by step from objects they are familiar with. Recognizing familiar objects induces users’ interest in learning words. Thus, users will want to learn more things around them.


Team6_Daily word