
GOAl conditioned Transition path sampling (TPS)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Environment settings

This code runs on version python version: 3.9

Install the followings:

  • Openmmtools for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation
    conda install -c conda-forge openmmtools
  • Openmmforcefields for forcefields of large proteins
    git clone https://github.com/openmm/openmmforcefields.git
  • Other packages
    pip install torch tqdm wandb mdtraj matplotlib


  • Training: Run the following command to start training:

    bash scripts/train_alanine.sh
  • Evaluation: Run the following command to perform evaluation:

    bash scripts/eval_alanine.sh


  • Table: Run the following command to reproduce the table:
    bash scripts/reproduce_table.sh