
:earth_americas: Simple and fast watershed delineation in python.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

pysheds Build Status

Simple and fast watershed delineation in python.

Example usage

See examples/quickstart for more details.

Data available via the USGS HydroSHEDS project.

    # Read elevation and flow direction rasters
    # ----------------------------
    from pysheds.grid import Grid

    grid = Grid.from_raster('n30w100_con', data_name='dem')
    grid.read_raster('n30w100_dir', data_name='dir')

Example 1

    # Delineate a catchment
    # ---------------------
    # Specify pour point
    x, y = -97.294167, 32.73750
    # Specify directional mapping
    dirmap=(64, 128, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)

    # Delineate the catchment
    grid.catchment(data='dir', x=x, y=y, dirmap=dirmap, out_name='catch',
               recursionlimit=15000, xytype='label')

    # Crop and plot the catchment
    # ---------------------------
    # Clip the bounding box to the catchment

Example 2

    # Calculate flow accumulation
    # --------------------------
    grid.accumulation(data='catch', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='acc')

Example 3

    # Calculate distance to outlet from each cell
    # -------------------------------------------
    grid.flow_distance(data='catch', x=x, y=y, dirmap=dirmap,
                   out_name='dist', xytype='label')

Example 4

    # Extract river network
    # ---------------------
    branches = grid.extract_river_network(fdir='catch', acc='acc',
                                          threshold=50, dirmap=dirmap)

Example 5

    # Combine with land cover data
    # ---------------------
                      data_name='terrain', window=grid.bbox, window_crs=grid.crs)

Example 5


  • Hydrologic Functions:
    • flowdir: DEM to flow direction.
    • catchment: Delineate catchment from flow direction.
    • accumulation: Flow direction to flow accumulation.
    • flow_distance: Compute flow distance to outlet.
    • resolve_flats: Resolve flats in a DEM using the modified method of Garbrecht and Martz (1997).
    • fraction: Compute fractional contributing area between differently-sized grids.
    • extract_river_network: Extract river network at a given accumulation threshold.
    • cell_area: Compute (projected) area of cells.
    • cell_distances: Compute (projected) channel length within cells.
    • cell_dh: Compute the elevation change between cells.
    • cell_slopes: Compute the slopes of cells.
  • Utilities:
    • view: Returns a view of a dataset at a given bounding box and resolution.
    • clip_to: Clip the current view to the extent of nonzero values in a given dataset.
    • resize: Resize a dataset to a new resolution.
    • rasterize: Convert a vector dataset to a raster dataset.
    • polygonize: Convert a raster dataset to a vector dataset.
    • check_cycles: Check for cycles in a flow direction grid.
    • set_nodata: Set nodata value for a dataset.
  • I/O:
    • read_ascii: Reads ascii gridded data.
    • read_raster: Reads raster gridded data.
    • to_ascii: Write grids to ascii files.

pysheds currently only supports a d8 routing scheme


pysheds currently only supports Python 3

    $ git clone https://github.com/mdbartos/pysheds.git
    $ cd pysheds
    $ python setup.py install


Performance benchmarks on a 2015 MacBook Pro:

  • Flow Direction to Flow Accumulation: 36 million grid cells in 15 seconds.
  • Flow Direction to Catchment: 9.8 million grid cells in 4.55 seconds.