- https://point.seongland.com
- Developed a touchscreen joystick that allows users to wander anywhere in 3D space.
- Accomplished full screen web experience with pointcloud data served from Google Cloud Storage using PWA.
mkdir src/static/potree
gsutil -m cp -r -n gs://potree-architecture src/static/potree
mv src/static/potree/potree-architecture src/static/potre
rm -r src/static/potree
mv src/static/potre src/static/potree
set -a; source .env; set +a
docker build -t ghcr.io/seongland/pointland:$VERSION .
docker push ghcr.io/seongland/pointland:$VERSION
docker tag ghcr.io/seongland/pointland:$VERSION ghcr.io/seongland/pointland:latest
docker push ghcr.io/seongland/pointland:latest
# deploy
okteto namespace
# deploy to current cluster
okteto stack deploy --wait
# if windows, change to default
kubectl config use-context docker-desktop
- cloudflare dns
- gcp cloud run
- docker, nuxt
- feathers
- express
- mongodb
./PotreeConverter.exe ./resources/*.las -o ./potree