
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SignalFx Python Serverless Common

SignalFx Python Google Cloud Function Wrapper.


The SignalFx Python Google Cloud Function Wrapper is a wrapper around a Google Cloud Function Python function handler, used to instrument execution of the function and send metrics and traces to SignalFx.


To install from PyPi

$ pip install signalfx_gcf

Configuring the ingest endpoint

By default, this function wrapper will send to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm you will need to set the SIGNALFX_INGEST_ENDPOINT environment variable to the correct realm ingest endpoint (https://ingest.{REALM}.signalfx.com). To determine what realm you are in, check your profile page in the SignalFx web application (click the avatar in the upper right and click My Profile).

Environment Variables

Note: the environment variables SIGNALFX_INGEST_ENDPOINT and SIGNALFX_AUTH_TOKEN are being deprecated and will not be supported in future releases.


# endpoint for both metrics and tracer. Overridden by SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL

# optional metrics and tracing configuration

SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL=ingest endpoint [ default: https://pops.signalfx.com ]
SIGNALFX_SEND_TIMEOUT=timeout in seconds for sending datapoint [ default: 0.3 ]

SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL=tracing endpoint [ default: https://ingest.signalfx.com/v1/trace ]

SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL can be used to configure a common endpoint for metrics and traces, as is the case when forwarding with the Smart Gateway. The path /v1/traces will automatically be added to the endpoint for traces.

If either SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL or SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL are set, they will take precendence over SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL for their respective components.

For example, if only SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL is set:


both metrics and traces will be sent to the gateway address.




Traces will be sent to the gateway and metrics will go through POPS.

Wrapping a function

There are two wrappers provided.

For metrics, decorate your handler with @signalfx_gcf.emits_metrics

import signalfx_gcf

def handler(event, context):
    # your code

For tracing, use the @signalfx_gcf.is_traced decorator

import signalfx_gcf

def handler(event, context):
    # your code

The decorators can be used individually or together.

Metrics and dimensions sent by the metrics wrapper

The Google Cloud Function wrapper sends the following metrics to SignalFx:

Metric Name Type Description
function.invocations Counter Count number of Cloud Funtion invocations
function.cold_starts Counter Count number of cold starts
function.errors Counter Count number of errors from underlying Cloud Function handler
function.duration Gauge Milliseconds in execution time of underlying Cloud Function handler

The Google Cloud Function wrapper adds the following dimensions to all data points send to SignalFx:

Tag Description
gcf_region Google Cloud Function Region
gcf_project_id Google Cloud Function Project ID
gcf_function_name Google Cloud Function Name
gcf_function_version Google Cloud Function Version
function_wrapper_version SignalFx function wrapper qualifier (e.g. signalfx_gcf_0.0.2)
metric_source The literal value of ‘gcf_wrapper’

Traces and tags sent by the Tracing wrapper

The tracing wrapper creates a span for the wrapper handler. This span has the following tags:

Tag Description
gcf_region Google Cloud Function Region
gcf_project_id Google Cloud Function Project ID
gcf_function_name Google Cloud Function Name
gcf_function_version Google Cloud Function Version
function_wrapper_version SignalFx function wrapper qualifier (e.g. signalfx_gcf_0.0.2)
component The literal value of ‘python-gcf-wrapper’

Sending custom metric from the Google Cloud Function

import signalfx_gcf

# sending application_performance metric with value 100 and dimension abc:def
signalfx_gcf.send_gauge('application_performance', 100, {'abc':'def'})

# sending counter metric with no dimension
signalfx_gcf.send_counter('database_calls', 1)

Adding manual tracing to the Google Cloud Function

Manual instrumentation can be added to trace critical parts of your handler function.

import opentracing

tracer = opentracing.tracer

def some_function():
    with tracer.start_active_span("span_name", tags=tags) as scope:

        # do some work

        span = scope.span
        span.set_tag("example_tag", "example_value")

More examples and usage information can be found in the Jaeger Python Tracer documentation.


python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal


Apache Software License v2. Copyright © 2014-2019 SignalFx