
Register or unregister widget areas through configuration.

Primary LanguagePHP

Widget Areas

Register, unregister and display widget areas through configuration.


This component should be installed using Composer, with the command composer require d2/core-widget-areas.


Within your config file (typically found at config/defaults.php), create an array that includes widget areas you would like to register, and another array containing widget areas which should be unregistered.

If this component is being used to register widget areas in a Genesis child theme then the genesis_register_widget_area function will be used to ensure they're given the correct Genesis markup.

Additional settings are provided to allow the automatic output of widget areas. Use the WidgetArea::LOCATION key inside the WidgetArea::REGISTER array to hook the widget area to a specific location, and use the WidgetArea::BEFORE and WidgetArea::AFTER keys to specify the before and after markup - closures are accepted. The WidgetArea::PRIORITY key is also provided to change the priority of the widget area and it's location.

Class constants are in place for default Genesis widget areas making it easier to unregister them.

For example:

use D2\Core\WidgetArea;

$d2_widget_areas = [
    WidgetArea::REGISTER   => [
            WidgetArea::ID          => 'utility-bar',
            WidgetArea::NAME        => __( 'Utility Bar', 'example-textdomain' ),
            WidgetArea::DESCRIPTION => __( 'Utility bar appearing above the site header.', 'example-textdomain' ),
            WidgetArea::BEFORE      => '<div class="utility-bar">',
            WidgetArea::AFTER       => '</div>',
            WidgetArea::LOCATION    => 'genesis_before_header',
            WidgetArea::PRIORITY    => 5,
            WidgetArea::CONDITIONAL => function () {
                return is_front_page();
    WidgetArea::UNREGISTER => [

return [
    WidgetArea::class => $d2_widget_areas,

Load the component

Components should be loaded in your theme functions.php file, using the Theme::setup static method. Code should run on the after_setup_theme hook (or genesis_setup if you use Genesis Framework).

add_action( 'after_setup_theme', function() {
    $config = include_once __DIR__ . '/config/defaults.php';
    \D2\Core\Theme::setup( $config );
} );