
Automates the creation of onboarding config files for Genesis child themes.

Primary LanguagePHP

Genesis Config Exporter

Automates the creation of onboarding config files for Genesis child themes.

Below is a list of configs that can be automatically generated:

  • Plugins - All active plugins. Deactivated plugins are skipped.
  • Content - All post meta and content. Can be limited by post type.
  • Images - Only images that are set as featured images are included.
  • Menus - All registered navigation menus and menu items.
  • Widgets - All active widgets. Excludes Inactive Widgets.

The config file is automatically generated and placed in the child theme config directory.


Requirement Version
PHP 7.2.0
WordPress 5.2.3
Genesis 3.1.2
WP CLI 2.1.0


Download and install this plugin https://github.com/seothemes/genesis-config-exporter/archive/master.zip

You will also need WP CLI installed on your machine to use it. See installing WP-CLI.


From the command line, navigate to anywhere in your WordPress installation and run the following command:

wp genesis config export

When you see the following prompt, hit y and then return to continue:

Warning: This will overwrite your current child theme's onboarding config file. Proceed? [y/n]



Does not generate the file:



Disables the warning prompt:



Specifices the directory to store featured images:




A debugging class is conveniently provided to allow quick debugging in the browser. To enable, open the src/Debug.php file in your editor and change the DEBUG const from false to true. WP_DEBUG also needs to be set to true to enable debugging.

Admin Settings

Coming soon.


Important: Please run composer dump --no-dev before committing changes.