
The source files of the Perl 5 Maven articles

These are the source files of the articles published on http://perl5maven.com/
Copyright Gabor Szabo except where the =author field explicitly shows someone else.

The format has evolved from POD, HTML and Docbook. It is now a mess. I know. I'll have to clean that up.

The overview:

In the header there are

  =key value

pairs of meta information.

The text between

  =abstract start

  =abstract end

is displayed on the front pages and is included in the RSS/Atom feed.

For internal titles  <h2> is used
<hl></hl> stands for highlight and usually code-snippets inside the text are marked with these.
Other imporant pieces are marked with <b></b>

Code snippets are wrapped in 

  <code lang="perl">


When articles are published they are posted to Google+, Twitter and sometimes even to Facebook.
They are also posted on LinkedIN.

An e-mail is sent out to the people who registered on the Perl 5 Maven site.

Many of the articles are included the Perl Weekly newsletter.

Once in a while I post a link to Reddit ( http://www.reddit.com/ )
but I'd rather see others post there if they find the article worth the mention.
The same with Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/

SEO explained in 5 words
"Get links from trusted sources" ~ Jon Morrow

The best promotion is if people find it worth to mention one
of the articles in a blog post or in some other form.

(both article writers and translators, please read  option 2 here: 
and add the perl5maven.com site to the list of where you contribute.
An add an 128x128 image of you to the img/ folder.

There is the beginning of a Brazilian Portuguese translation in the
https://github.com/szabgab/br.perl5maven.com repository.

*) The file names (that become the URLs) should be in LOCAL_LANGUAGE, but use only ASCII characters.
   Transliterated to English. (I am not sure in this. Maybe a better thing would be to use LOCAL_LANGUAGE in the URLs?)
*) The file names should more-or-less match the title of the page, they can contain words separated with dashes.
*) Please add the header to each file (the meta information) including the planned publication date
*) The links in the page should be working. If there is already a translation for the target page then link there,
    if it only exists in English then please use full URLs including the hostname http://perl5maven.com/
*) Please update the hidden(!) section of the perl-tutorial.tt to include the links to the entries.
*) The text listing the author and the translator are added by the system and are driven from the header
   tags =author and =translator
*) Each author and translator has to have an entry in the authors.txt file listing a nickname (\w characters only),
   The full name, the name of the image file containing their picture, link to their G+ profiles.
*) Each author and translator needs to provide a picture in jpg or png format approximately 128x128 pixel size 
   (an Avatar) to be shown at the bottom of each article
*) Each author and translator should set up authorship by linking their Google+ profile to the CC.perl5maven.com
   site. (e.g. br.perl5maven.com for the Brazilian Porguguese translators)
   See http://support.google.com/webmasters/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1408986