
Console app for self-hosting WCF services.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

WCF Service Hoster

What is it?

Console app for self-hosting WCF services.

Sometimes IIS is too much, and WcfSvcHost.exe doesn't fit your needs (i.e. Docker).



ServiceHoster 1.0.5
Copyright c 2018 SEP, Inc

  -p, --pid-file            Location of the PID file. No PID file if not specified.

  -s, --status-file         Location of the STATUS file. No STATUS file if not specified. Contains 'OK' in the nominal

  --help                    Display this help screen.

  --version                 Display version information.

  service dll's (pos. 0)    List of service DLL's to host.


Single service assembly:


Multiple service assemblies:


Call the executable with a list of assembly filenames (space separated).

Each Assembly will be loaded into it's own AppDomain with a working directory of where that assembly is located.

Note: It is assumed the configuration for the assembly is in the same location, and named the same as the service assembly, with .config appended.

Host Health (PID and STATUS)

If you specify the --pid-file option, the PID of the process will be written to the specified file.

If you specify the --status-file option, the State of each hosted service will be inspected and reported into the specified file. If ALL states are Opened, OK is written to the file. Otherwise all the states will be written.

This may be useful if you are wanting to do a health check of the host process, for example, using Docker's HEALTHCHECK instruction.

Here's an example HEALTHCHECK instruction for your Dockerfile:

HEALTHCHECK --interval=10s --timeout=10s --start-period=60s --retries=2 \
  CMD powershell -Command \
      $pidok = (Get-Process -Id (Get-Content PID)).ProcessName -eq "ServiceHoster"; \
      $statusok = (Get-Content STATUS) -eq "OK"; \
      if ($pidok -and $statusok) { [Environment]::Exit(0) } else {  [Environment]::Exit(1) }


WcfServiceHoster is also available via NuGet:

PM> Install-Package WcfServiceHoster Or visit: https://www.nuget.org/packages/WcfServiceHoster/