Microservices Architecture and Implementation in eShopShop

In our EshopShop repository, we've implemented a comprehensive set of features, spanning from Catalog and Basket microservices to Discount and Ordering components. This includes technologies such as ASP.NET Core, MongoDB, Redis, Grpc, MassTransit, RabbitMQ, and PostgreSQL. The API Gateway Ocelot orchestrates the communication between microservices, while the WebUI ShoppingApp Microservice provides a user interface with ASP.NET Core, Bootstrap 4, and Razor. Resilience is ensured through IHttpClientFactory, Polly, and ancillary containers like Portainer and pgAdmin, all encapsulated in a Dockerized environment. Our codebase reflects best practices, cross-cutting implementations, and a resilient architecture, making 'run-aspnetcore-microservices' a masterpiece of innovation and collaboration in the realm of microservices


Follow these steps to get your development environment set up: (Before Run Start the Docker Desktop)

1.Clone the repository
Once Docker for Windows is installed, go to the Settings > Advanced option, from the Docker icon in the system tray, to configure the minimum amount of memory and CPU like so:

1.Memory: 4 GB
2.CPU: 2

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