
A C++ program designed to find the optimal path for a prisoner escaping from a labyrinth / maze.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



The Labyrinth project is a C++ program designed to find the optimal path for a prisoner escaping from a labyrinth. The labyrinth is represented as a weighted graph, where each vertex corresponds to a cell in the labyrinth, and edges represent possible movements between cells.

Note : For more details and additional information, please refer to the associated PDF document provided in French.


  • Graph Representation : The labyrinth is modeled as a weighted graph, allowing for efficient pathfinding algorithms.

  • A* Algorithm : A* (A-star) algorithm is utilized for heuristic-based pathfinding, enhancing the efficiency of finding the optimal path.

  • Dijkstra's Algorithm : The program employs Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path from the prisoner's starting position to the exit.

  • Prisoner Movement : The program simulates the movement of prisoners in the four cardinal directions at the same speed as fire.

  • Fire Propagation : Additionally, the program simulates the spread of fire within the labyrinth, adding a dynamic element to the pathfinding process.


Compilation :

g++ -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -o labyrinth *.cpp -lm

The option -lm indicates to the compiler to link with the mathematical library (libm).

Execution :


Input : The program will prompt you to enter the number of instances and the dimensions of the labyrinth for each instance. For each labyrinth instance, you'll be required to input a matrix representing the labyrinth with the following symbols:

  • D : Represents the initial position of the prisoner.
  • F : Represents the location of fire.
  • S : Represents the exit or safe zone.
  • # : Represents a wall or an obstacle.

The labyrinth matrix should be filled with dots (.) for open paths.

Note :

  • Ensure correct formatting and input validity.
  • The labyrinth matrix should have a valid starting position (D), an exit (S), and a fire location (F).

Output : The program determines if the prisoner in each room has a chance of reaching the exit before succumbing to the fire. The output character Y indicates a chance of pardon, while N signifies no chance.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.