
HSHfitter.exe by CHI (culturalheritageimaging.org) running under Wine in Docker.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

HSHFitter Wine


Once started, the Docker container will process all RTI capture sessions automatically. This requires structuring image files and light vector files correctly, and mounting a docker volume.


docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data/:/app/data sepastian/hshfitter_wine

Placing Image Files and Light Vectors

This section describes how to structure image files and light position vectors, for processing by the Docker container.

Image files must be in JPG format, the file extension must be jpg, e.g. 0001.jpg. The example that follows assumes that each capture session creates 64 JPG images named 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg through 0064.jpg.

  |- capture_001
  |    |- lights.lp
  |    |- 0001.jpg
  |    |- 0002.jpg
  |    |  :
  |    '- 0064.jpg
  '- capture_002
       |- lights.lp
       |- 0001.jpg
       |- 0002.jpg
       |  :
       '- 0064.jpg

Structure all image files an light vector files as shown above; inside a data directory (data), create one folder per capture session (capture_001, capture_002, and so on); place lights.lp inside each capture folder; place all images stemming from a capture session inside the capture folder.

Following is a sample light vector file lights.lp describing 3 light vectors. The example above would require a light vector file containing 64 entries. Each row describes a single light vector by three floats from the range (-1,1), the floats are separated by a single blank space. No comments or other information is allowed inside lights.lp.

0.49750078 -0.85780865 0.12906335
0.95672685 -0.25136346 0.14659522
0.8540631 0.49735278 0.1523693

Given a directory containing JPG files, each image will be assigned to a light vector as follows:

  • sort the images alphabetically
  • assign the first image to the first light vector in row one in lights.lp
  • assign image two to the second light vector, and so on.

The number of image files and the number of light vectors described in lights.lp must match. Although not required, it is recommended to name the images files NNNN.jpg, where NNNN is a zero-padded integer, to guarantee correct sorting order.

Starting the Container

Assuming that the images and light position vectors have been placed in a data folder as described above, start the container mounting the data folder as a Docker volume at /app/data inside the container.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/app/data/:/app/data sepastian/hshfitter_wine

For each lights.lp file found in /app/data inside the container, an RTI image will be processed.

If an RTI file to create exists already, that file will be skipped, i.e. no existing files will be overwritten.


HSH Fitter

HSHfitter by CHI packaged into a Docker image.

Contains Software downloaded from CHI's website http://culturalheritageimaging.org/What_We_Offer/Downloads/Process/, which has been released under GPL3.

PTM Fitter

PTM Fitter is no longer available on HP Labs site: http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/ptm/downloads/download.html

A cached version has been downloaded from the Internet Archive on 2019-03-15: http://web.archive.org/web/20180815062110/http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/ptm/downloads/download.html

The Linux version of PT Fitter requires a 32 bit OS, which is incompatible with Docker. Thus, the Windows version has been packaged instead.